Duplicate file names

Duplicate file names

Good practice is to have all photo file names unique, see dpBestFlow.org advices.

This report analyses your Lightroom catalog for duplicate file names.

What’s in it for me

Good practice is to have all photo file names unique, see dpBestFlow.org advices.

This report analyses your Lightroom catalog for duplicate file names.

It repots:

  1. How often is the same name used
  2. List all duplicate file names.

Combine this report with the Photo List Importer Lightroom plug-in and can easily locate all photos in Lightroom.


LightroomStatistics is open, you can export to:

  • PDF
  • Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
  • OpenOffice
  • HTML
  • XML
  • CSV


Translations: Dutch, French and German.
Contact us for translating this report into another language and get a license free.


The LightroomStatistics reports can be parametrized in order to get the desired results.
These parameters are described below. By the way, all parameters have a default value, so you only have to change them when needed.

Show subtotals
DescriptionToggle whether to show subtotals.
When exporting to for example to Excel for selecting all file names, set it to off / false, so that all file names can easily be selected without empty lines in between.
FormatCheck box (true or false)
Threshold photos camera
DescriptionInclude only cameras with at least xx photos
UnitWhole number
FormatWhole number
Threshold photos body
DescriptionInclude only cameras bodies with at least xx photos
UnitWhole number
FormatWhole number
Threshold photos lens
DescriptionInclude only lenses with at least xx photos
UnitWhole number
FormatWhole number