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Nieuwe serie blogs op Photofacts
Gisteren is de eerste blog van een serie gestart over Foto’s & computers.
Iedere week zal ik één aspect behandelen.
Video tutorial Online viewer
This video highlights the whole process from downloading our Lightroom Analyzer software till viewing it on screen or downloading it in one of the many output formats like PDF, HTML, Word, Excel.
Free license problem ?
If you get a error about the license AND you did not buy an report license, please follow the instructions in our FAQ “Free license failure“.
Major upgrade Lightroom Analyzer 5.0
We are proud to present the new Lightroom Analyzer 5.0 to you.
New with this version is the Online Viewer option which introduces Pay-per-View.
This means that you no longer have to buy a report (license) in order to analyze your catalog.
Now you can analyze your Lightroom catalog for less than a Starbucks Cappuccino1.
Each report in the store can now be viewed or downloaded from our Online Viewer.
Online Viewer demo
This video shows the whole process: download, install, run analysis and upload and viewing in our Online Viewer.
1) According to the price information on the linked site.
Restore to version 4.6
Due to an bug we had to restore Lightroom Analyzer to its previous, 4.6. As soon as we solved this issue the new version will be available again.
If you have any question or run into any problem, please contact us via support.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Nieuwe versie Photofacts Assessment
Vandaag is versie 4.6 van Photofacts Assessment beschikbaar gekomen.
Foutverbeteringen en kleine aanpassingen:
In deze versie wordt een duidelijkere boodschap getoond wanneer een leeg rapport wordt gemaakt.
Met een leeg rapport wordt bedoeld dat geen van de foto’s in de Lightroom catalogus voldeed aan opgegeven criteria
Update LightroomStatistics viewer
Today we published the 4.6 version of the LightroomStatistics viewer.
Bugfixes and minor changes:
Better feedback when an empty report is generated.
With empty report we mean that no photos in the catalogue met the specified criteria.
New major version LightroomStatistics Reports
With proud we published to new 4.0 version of LightroomStatistics reports.
Download the trial version from our download page.
What’s new
- All reports are Lightroom 6 compatible
- Assessment report
- Added the new Photo merge feature of Lightroom 6: HDR and Panorama
- Added a chart with the number of photos in the selection with or without adjustments
- Added a chart with the Lightroom version of the last edit
- Added keyboard shot cuts for the top menus
What’s changed
- Major performance boost on start up
- New layout of the Assessment report
- Added graph showing photos with and without adjustments, see above
- Removed the Camera profile and Process version section
- Moved the Process version graph to the second page
- Moved the Camera profile graph to the Develop section
- Added translations to the “Camera – Serial number – Lens” report
What’s fixed
- In the Assessment report the listing of the number of photos per camera, body and lens in some situations missed photos. This occurred especially when no camera information is available, like with scanned images.
- Small translations fixes
- Improved error handling when opening non Lightroom file.