Geurt Besselink

The photo you clicked on was taken by Geurt Besselink or his partner Mirjam Langelaar.

<img style=”border: 1px solid black;” title=”ML_2009-11-28_0031″ src=”×682.jpg” alt=”” width=”225″ height=”150″ align=”left” hspace=”10″ /> <a title=”Geurt Besselink, nature photographer” href=””>Geurt Besselink</a>,
Geurt is one of the top nature photographers in the Netherlands. Further he is a much beloved trainer and teacher both in nature photography and the Lightroom and Photoshop software.

Although he has a special interest in the Veluwe region in the Netherlands his portfolio contains photos from Antarctica, Iceland, Galápagos, Namibia, Spitsbergen and many more countries and places

Check out his <a href=”” target=”_blank”>website</a> and don’t forget to pay a visit at his <a href=”” target=”_blank”>gallery</a>!