Lens usage

Lens usage

Buying another lens or camera? This reports helps you to analyse your lens usage.

What’s in it for me?

This reports gives you insight in the usage of your lenses in combination with your cameras and bodies.
Take this report along when buying a new lens.
It can also help you analyze which lenses you use most and if you use them effectively.

Curious and want to know more? Download the free sample.


This report shows the number of photos taken with the different lenses, cameras and bodies. The pie chart shows the top 8 lenses with the most photos taken in percentage.
The listing shows the number of photos and the percentage of all the photos taken with each combination of lens, camera and bodies.


This report shows the number of photos taken with the different lenses, cameras and bodies. The pie chart shows the top 8 lenses with the most photos taken in percentage.
The listing shows the number of photos and the percentage of all the photos taken with each combination of lens, camera and bodies.


You can run this report against your whole catalog or against the photos in your Quick Collection.
Further with the “threshold” parameter may help you to exclude photos of cameras, bodies and lenses which you rarely use or belong to other people.


LightroomStatistics is open, you can export to:

  • PDF
  • Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
  • OpenOffice
  • HTML
  • XML
  • CSV


The LightroomStatistics reports can be parametrized in order to get the desired results.
These parameters are described below. By the way, all parameters have a default value, so you only have to change them when needed.

Restrict to images in Quick Collection
DescriptionRestrict the report to the images in your Quick Collection if desired.
DefaultFalse (= whole catalog)
FormatCheck box (true or false)
Include only lens, body, cameras combinations with at least xx photos
DescriptionInclude only lens, camera, bodies combinations with at least xx photos. This helps you to exclude combinations which you rarely use of imported photos from others.
UnitWhole number
FormatWhole number

Related reports

The reports Camera usage and this report are very much alike. But the big difference is in the sorting.
The Camera usagereports sorts first on the camera, then the body and lastly the lenses. This is fine when you want to know how many photos in your catalog are taken with these different combinations.

However, if you want to buy a new lens, you might be more interested in the usage of the lenses. This is convenient, because it first sorts on the lenses and then on the camera and bodies. So you can see very quickly how much each lens is used. Especially if you use your lenses on different cameras!

Related reports

The reports Camera usage and this report are very much alike. But the big difference is in the sorting.
The Camera usagereports sorts first on the camera, then the body and lastly the lenses. This is fine when you want to know how many photos in your catalog are taken with these different combinations.

However, if you want to buy a new lens, you might be more interested in the usage of the lenses. This is convenient, because it first sorts on the lenses and then on the camera and bodies. So you can see very quickly how much each lens is used. Especially if you use your lenses on different cameras!


Translations: Dutch, French and German.
Contact us for translating this report into another language and get a license free.