Quality check tool for your develop work.
Before publishing your work check if you applied sharpening, enabled lens correction and many more settings.
This plug-in checks for all selected images for missing metadata.
All professional photographers working with a stock agency know that delivering metadata along with their photos is essential and often required.
But also when publishing to clients or the web, metadata like keywords, title, caption, creator and copyright information is essential!.
Do your clients sent you their pics by email?
Copy the list into this plug-in and it will collect all the images in a collection ready to process.
Want to add a little exposure or color to many images, adding it the current develop adjustments? This plug-in can apply presets with one of many settings relative to your current develop work.
Replace a color wiht transparency during the Export step.
The color will either be replaced in the whole image or using flood fill starting from a point.
Preset settings overwrite current develop settings? Do you know whats inside a preset?
This plug-in lists the content of one, all presets in a folder or even all presets in readable form. The report can also be opened in Excel for further analysis.
Exports photos into multiple directories, optionally based on it’s keywords.
Creates a tracklog based on the GPS information in your photos.
Tip: use this tracklog to “Auto-tag” those photos that lack GPS info.
This plug-in will list all settings of photo.
Easy when writing a blog or article and want to know what settings were applied.
Translate Titles, Captions and Keywords into a target language.
When for example, delivering to stock agencies supplying titles, captions and keywords in English is a requirement.
However translating is arduous and tedious, a necessary evil. The Translator plug-in makes translation fun.
And if selling is your business, good meta data makes the difference!